Sponsors, Partners, and Affiliates
Below are the vendors who sponsor, are partnered with, or are affiliated with Lightning Keyboards. Please click on the logos below to be redirected. Provide a small kickback (at no extra cost) per purchase and support my work.
Sponsors and Partners
Balolo.de (DE) - desk shelves and other accessories; ships globally from Germany - 'LIGHTNING' for 10% off.
Divinikey (US) - keyboards, keycaps, switches, all sorts of accessories, and more - ships from Los Angeles, CA, USA.
Ikeygai (Canada) - keyboards, desk accessories (Fragment, Vault), and more.
Keyspresso (Canada) - code "LightningKB" for 5% off
Kinetic Labs - (US) keycap sets, switches, and keyboard accessories, ships from New Jersey, USA.
Mode Designs (Keyboards) (US) - provide a kickback for any purchase of Mode Designs’ keyboard and accessory offerings.
UniKeyboards (Canada) - 'LIGHTNING' for a discount